How it works

Metabolism is a series of processes that determine how your body creates and uses energy. Metabolism helps you breathe, think, digest food, circulate blood, keep you warm in the cold and cool in the heat. Metabolism uses calories and oxygen to make and release energy in a form that the cells of all your organs and tissues can use.

Your metabolism affects how much energy your body uses and how much it stores. It can be low, high, slow or fast. You may think that a fast or slow metabolism is something you are born with, something that was passed down to you from your parents. Some people really feel like they are born with a high metabolism and can eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce.

However, your metabolism depends on many different factors. Genetics, body fat, health status, thyroid function, and physical activity influence metabolism. If you have a “fast metabolism,” that means you burn a lot of calories when you are just resting. The main regulator of metabolism is the autonomic nervous system. The main structure of the autonomic nervous system is a special part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which controls our metabolism based on signals from our body. The Hypothalamus receives signals from the body in the form of nerve impulses, which are bioelectric waves traveling along nerve cells.

Nanotechnology has made it possible to create structures with defined properties as small as a few atoms. This has increased the sensitivity of many components and enabled remarkable accuracy. Using the latest advances in nanotechnology in the field of nanotubes, ultrasensitive nanomembranes and nanostructured surfaces, it was possible to create a nanoresonator of human nerve impulses. Nanoresonator works on the principle of resonance and simply amplifies a certain signal from the body itself accelerating metabolism to normal levels. The nanoresonator does not create any radiation. Just as the body of a violin or guitar amplifies the sound produced by the strings, the nanoresonator amplifies the signal transmitted by your body.

According to researches conducted Nanoresonator NRb allows for a few weeks to smoothly raise the metabolism of the body to a normal level typical for healthy young people aged 22-28 years, leading an active lifestyle. The maximum effect begins to appear after 5-6 weeks of using Nrb and leads to normalization of metabolism in the body, normalization of weight, increased physical endurance, strengthened immunity, improved quality of sleep. This effect is maintained for at least 3-4 months after using Nrb Nanoresonator for 4-6 months.